王廷瑋|數位醫療|智慧醫療: 個人履歷 WFU

2024年3月23日 星期六


Curriculum Vitae 

Personal Data

Ting-Wei Wang, MD PhD
Work: Email / LinkedIn / Github
Research: OCRID / Google ScholarRearchGate


National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan,
2021-2023 PhD, Department of Biophotonics
National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan,
2015-2023 MD, College of Medicine

Research and Work Experiences

2024~ Postdoctoral Fellow, Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan, Department of Biophotonics
2024~ Teaching Assistant, Network Meta-Analysis Workshop, InnovaRad, Taiwan

Member of Academic Society

Taiwan Epidemiology Association
Taiwan Evidence-Based Medicine Association

Honors, Scholarship, and Grants

2023 Gen. & Mrs. M.C. Peng Fellowship from School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University 
2021 Direct-Track Ph.D. Scholarship, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University 

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

  1. Wang TW, Hong JS, Huang JW, Liao CY, Lu CF, Wu YT. Systematic review and meta-analysis of deep learning applications in computed tomography lung cancer segmentation. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110344.(SCI, 2023 IF=4.9, 20/204 90.4%, Q1) (Green Journal: Rank 2 in Radiation Oncology)
  2. Wang TW, Hsu MS, Lee WK, Pan HC, Yang HC, Lee CC, Wu YT. Brain metastasis tumor segmentation and detection using deep learning algorithms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Radiotherapy Oncol. 2023 Nov 13;190:110007.(SCI, 2023 IF=4.9, 20/204 90.4%, Q1) (Green Journal: Rank 2 in Radiation Oncology)
  3. Wang TW, Hong JS, Chiu HY, Chao HS, Chen YM, Wu YT. Standalone deep learning versus experts for diagnosis lung cancer on chest computed tomography: a systematic review. Eur Radiol. 2024 May 22 (SCI, 2023 IF=4.7, 22/204 89.5%, Q1) 
  4. Wang TW, Shiao, Y., Hong, J., Lee, W., Hsu, M., Cheng, H., Yang, H., Lee, C., Pan, H., You, W. C., Lirng, J., Guo, W., & Wu, Y. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Detection and Segmentation Models: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Brain Tumors in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health, 2(1), 75-91. (New journal) (Mayo Clinic: World Rank 1 Hospital)
  5. Wang TW, Chao HS, Chiu HY, Lu CF, Liao CY, Lee Y, Chen JR, Shiao TH, Chen YM, Wu YT. Radiomics of metastatic brain tumor as a predictive image biomarker of progression-free survival in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer with brain metastasis receiving tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Translational Oncol. 2024 Jan;39:101826. (SCI, 2023 IF=4.5, 78/322 75.9%, Q1)
  6. Wang TW, Chao HS, Chiu HY, Lin YH, Chen HC, Lu CF, Liao CY, Lee Y, Shiao TH, Chen YM, Huang JW, Wu YT. Evaluating the Potential of Delta Radiomics for Assessing Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Treatment Response in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Oct 24;15(21):5125. (SCI, 2023 IF=4.5, 78/322 75.9%, Q1)
  7. Wang TW, Hsu MS, Lin YH, Chiu HY, Chao HS, Liao CY, Lu CF, Wu YT, Huang JW, Chen YM. Application of Radiomics in Prognosing Lung Cancer Treated with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Jul 8;15(14):3542. (SCI, 2023 IF=4.5, 78/322 75.9%, Q1)
  8. Wang, TW., Tzeng, YH., Hong, JS. et al. Deep Learning Models for Aorta Segmentation in Computed Tomography Images: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. J. Med. Biol. Eng. (2024). (SCI, 2023 IF =1.6, 95/122 22.5%, Q4) (Equal contribution)
  9. Wang CKWang TW, Lu CF, Wu YT, & Hua MW. (2024). Deciphering the Prognostic Efficacy of MRI Radiomics in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. Diagnostics, 14(9), 924. (SCI, 2023 IF=3.0, 58/325 82.3%, Q1) (Equal contribution)
  10. Wang CK; Wang TW; Yang YX; Wu YT. Deep Learning for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Bioengineering 2024, 11, 504. (SCI, 2023 IF=3.8, 44/122 64.3%, Q2) (Equal contribution)
  11. Chiu HY, Wang TW, Hsu MS, Chao HS, Liao CY, Lu CF, Wu YT, Chen YM. Progress in Serial Imaging for Prognostic Stratification of Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Immunotherapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers (Basel). 2024 Jan 31;16(3):615.(SCI, 2023 IF=4.5, 78/322 75.9%, Q1) 
  12. Lu CF, Liao CY, Chao HS, Chiu HY, Wang TW, Lee Y, Chen JR, Shiao TH, Chen YM, Wu YT. et al. A radiomics-based deep learning approach to predict progression free-survival after tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Imaging 23, 9 (2023). (SCI, 2023 IF=3.5, 107/322 66.9%, Q2)
  13. Chiu HY, Peng RH, Lin YC, Wang TW, Yang YX, Chen YY, Wu MH, Shiao TH, Chao HS, Chen YM, Wu YT. Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Chest Nodules in X-ray Images. Biomedicines. 2022 Nov 7;10(11):2839. (SCI, 2023 IF=3.9, 104/313 66.9%, Q2)

International Journal/Society Service

  1. Reviewer, International Journal of Surgery (SCI, 2023 IF = 12.5, 2/290 99.5%, Q1) 
  2. Reviewer, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCI, 2023 IF = 8.2, 9/249 96.6%, Q1)
  3. Reviewer, Journal of Medical Internet Research (SCI, 2023 IF = 5.8, 9/174 95.1%, Q1)
  4. Reviewer, International Journal of Molecular Sciences (SCI, 2023 IF = 4.9, 66/313 79.1%, Q1)
  5. Reviewer, Cancers (SCI, 2023 IF = 4.5, 78/322 75.9%, Q1)
  6. Reviewer, Diagnostics (SCI)
  7. Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Medicine (SCI)
  8. Reviewer, Electronics (SCI)
  9. Reviewer, Brain Sciences (SCI)
  10. Reviewer, Animals (SCI)
  11. Reviewer, PLOS ONE (SCI)
  12. Reviewer, Minerva Medica (SCI)
  13. Reviewer, Medicine (SCI)
  14. Reviewer, BioMedInformatics (SCI)
  15. Reviewer, Signals

Programming language

  1. Python / Tensorflow / Pytorch
  3. R
  4. STATA
  5. Java
  6. Arm assembly
  7. HTML / CSS / Javascript