王廷瑋|數位醫療|智慧醫療: 6月 2024 WFU

2024年6月30日 星期日

Requirements Definition

Questions & Communication Channels

  • When people communicate, there are three channels that send information to someone.
    • verbal channel: what you say or what you write if the communication is in written form
    • paraverbal channel: consists of how you say what you say in terms of word emphasis, tone of voice, and pacing
    • nonverbal channel: body language
  • One way is to be on the lookout for when the three channels are not in synch with each other.
  • Risk associated with getting correct and complete requirements information

Ask better question

  • In fact, 55 percent is sent in the nonverbal channel, 38 percent in the paraverbal, and only 7 percent in the verbal channel.
  • Open-ended questions: most powerful type of question for learning about things
  • Closed-ended questions: useful when you need to get yes/no responses, very specific finite information, and to get agreement.
  • Clarifying questions: you need to confirm your understanding of what someone has told you
  • Probing questions: follow-up and get more information about something, specific examples of something, or when someone has answered a prior question with a generic word like usually, mostly, sometimes, or often leading questions
  • Leading questions
  • Double-barreled questions

Some Tools & Techniques

  • Surveys
  • Brainstorming
    • define the objective of the brainstorm
    • set a time limit for people to think about their input
    • collect input from the group
    • looking through the ideas, maybe combining ideas that are the same but were stated using different words, maybe rewording things to improve clarity, or developing categories that the ideas belong to
    • prioritize or rank the ideas
  • Multi-voting
    • each person in the group to select the most important items on the list
    • tally the votes for each item on the list
    • consists of eliminating the items with the fewest votes
    • repeats until we’ve reduced the list to the desirable size
  • Cause-effect analysis
    • cause-effect diagram

Use Case Components

  • three primary components to a use case:
    • summary fields: contain information like the use case name, use case participants, use case goal, assumptions, and so forth
    • a main success scenario: contains the typical
    • interactions between users, other systems, and the system under development.
    • one or more alternate scenarios: consist of interactions that describe alternate ways to achieve the goal of a use case, as well as interactions required to handle errors
  • An actor is someone or some thing that interacts with the system we are gathering requirements for.
  • actors must be external to the system we are gathering requirements for, and, a use case must have at least one actor
  • Every use case must have a name and the name should give us some idea about the goal of the use case
  • A trigger is an event that causes a use case to start.
  • A pre-condition describes the state of the system that is required before a use case can attempt to start.
  • A post-condition describes the state of the system after a use case has taken place successfully

Main Success & Alternate Scenarios

  • The main success scenario is the first use case scenario that we write
  • When business rules or data elements are associated with an action step, it‘s best to reference them in the action step rather than hard-coding them into the action step.
  • Alternate scenarios are written below the main success scenario.

Using Decision Tables

  • Business rules typically specify how to take a function’s inputs and convert them to the function’s output

Using State Models

  • a state is a set of conditions at some point in time and those conditions can change over the course of time based upon things that occur
  • state transition matrix

Data Models

  • a conceptual data model: describes things, called
  • entities, that will be stored, and the relationships
  • between those entities
  • a logical data model: elaborates on a conceptual data model by including attributes associated with the entities
  • a physical data model: describes how the product’s database will actually be built
  • data model:
    • an organized representation of business data that will need to be stored and managed
    • The benefit of using a data model is that it provides more precise, detailed, and unambiguous information about the data that will need to be stored and managed.
  • discover the types of data that will need to be managed and stored
  • study the associations or relationships that some of these entity types will have with respect to each other
  • Technically, a model that shows the entity types and their relationships is called a conceptual data model.
  • Entity types must have attributes. Attributes correspond to information that will be stored and managed.
  • When attributes are added to the conceptual model it’s technically called a logical data model.
  • Another step in data modeling, that is usually performed in the later stages, is to “normalize” the logical data model
  • Associations represent relationships that entity types have with one another.
  • Data normalization is a technique that is used to organize data into tables.
  • When you normalize a database, you have four goals:
    • arranging data into logical groupings such that each group describes a small part of the whole;
    • minimizing the amount of duplicate data stored in a database;
    • organizing the data such that, when you modify it, you make the change in only one place;
    • building a database in which you can access and manipulate the data quickly and efficiently without compromising the integrity of the data in storage.

Business Process Models

  • process hierarchy diagram, process decomposition diagram
  • UML Activity Diagram
  • swim lane diagram
  • context diagram
  • data flow diagram
  • create, read, update, and delete matrix

Human-Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction

  • There are five functions that the user interface provides:
    • User may invoke functions provided by the system.
    • User may input data to the system.
    • System may indicate available functions for the user.
    • System may display data to the user.
    • System may display status information to the user.

Usability Engineering

  • It is aimed at producing practical results using a repeatable process based on scientific principles. Much of the underpinnings of usability engineering is the science of psychology.
  • UI Engineering works in parallel with other engineering disciplines: systems engineering, hardware engineering and software engineering.
    • It starts with usability requirements analysis.
    • The next phase is usability analysis and design.
    • Then there is usability testing.
  • Usability requirements have to be testable
    • Effectiveness
    • Efficiency
    • Safety
    • Utility
    • Learnability
    • Memorability
  • User experience goals
    • Satisfying
    • Enjoyable
    • Fun
    • Entertaining
    • Helpful
    • Motivating
    • Aesthetically pleasing
    • Supportive of creativity
    • Rewarding
    • Emotionally fulfilling

Usability Analysis

  • Interviewing
  • Brainstorming
  • Field studies
  • Generate operational scenarios

Usability Design

  • Process of figuring out how to bridge the gap between how the user wants to use the system and the capabilities provided by the system implementers
  • The user’s mental model is based on the user’s goals for using the system.
  • The designer’s model is described in terms of mechanisms offered by the system implementation.
  • Sometimes this mapping between the user’s model and the designer’s model is accomplished through the use of metaphors
  • The usability design process involves describing three aspects of the interaction.
    • Activity scenarios – show how the users carry out their goals. We can use UML use cases or activity diagrams for these models.
    • Information scenarios – show how information is exchanged between the users and the system. Screen layout prototypes are useful here.
    • Interaction scenarios – show the details of how the user and the system interact. Once again, a prototype, either low fidelity or high fidelity, can be used here.
  • Several aspects of the user interface that can be prototyped
    • Input Controls: These are ways to allow the user to present information to the system.
    • Navigational Components provide ways for the user to control the action or the presentation of information.
    • Informational Components are mechanisms that enable the system to present information to the user.

User Interface Mechanisms

  • Input mechanism
    • Keyboard
    • graphical user interfaces
    • Microphone
    • Voice commands
    • Video cameras
    • Special devices
  • Output mechanisms
    • Text or graphics
    • Auditory output
    • Video and animation
    • Haptic feedback
    • Special devices
  • Interacting with systems
    • Command line
    • Menus
    • Form fill-in
    • Direct manipulation
    • Auditory commands
    • Gestures

Error Handling

  • Severity
    • Useful error messages
    • Annoying messages
    • Dangerous
  • Mistakes are where you have the wrong mental model.
  • Slips are where you have the right mental model; you just messed up in execution.
  • Handling error
    • Do nothing
    • Disable
    • Issue confirmation prompt
    • Provide “undo” capability
  • Error Message Guidelines
    • Be specific
    • Provide constructive guidance
    • Be positive
    • consistent
    • Consider the user’s experience and skill level.
    • Consider the culture of the region where the system will be deployed.


  • A prototype is a concrete, but partial implementation of a design.
  • Its basic purpose is to reduce risk in software development.
  • Here are some benefits of prototypes:
    • Expose missing system capabilities.
    • Expose confusing services.
    • Early availability (through evolutionary prototyping).
    • Basis for specification of software requirements.
    • Support user training.
    • Support system testing.
  • Low fidelity prototype
  • High fidelity prototype
  • A useful technique for modeling user interaction is called Screen flows and Layouts.

Systems & Requirements Engineering

Systems Engineering

  • System:
    • regularly interacting or interdependent group of items that form a unified whole
    • homogeneous entity that exhibits pre-defined behavior and which is composed of heterogeneous parts that do not individually exhibit that behavior and which is an integrated configuration of components and/or subsystems
  • Systems engineering life cycle:
    • System design
    • Requirements
    • Design
    • Coding
    • Testing
    • Integration

Allocating Requirements

  • Systems that contain hardware, software, people and processes
  • Once the subsystems and components have been identified, system functions must be allocated to them. In systems engineering this is called functional allocation or functional analysis
  • There are a number of techniques that can be used to help make allocation tradeoff decisions.
  • Most of these techniques use a type of analysis called multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)

Requirements Engineering

  • The word engineering is used as a way of emphasizing the use of systematic and repeatable techniques that help to ensure the completeness, correctness, consistency, and continued relevance of software requirements for a software product.

Introduction to Requirements

  • A requirement is a capability that must be delivered by the system, or a condition that the system must satisfy.
  • A functional requirement is something the system must do in other words, the behaviors the system must possess.
  • A functional requirement can have 5 moving parts inputs, outputs, statement of intended functionality, business rules, and possibly constraints.
  • A non-functional requirement is a condition that the system must comply with.

Importance of Requirements

  • First, the requirements phase in a project can be a major source of defects that get introduced into the project.
  • Second, the requirements are used as input to many of the subsequent project work phases.
  • And, third, requirements errors can be costly and time-consuming to fix…and contribute significantly to a project’s rework costs.
  • Good requirements are correct, complete, testable, and unambiguous.

Activities and Work Products

  • Analysts will identify key stakeholder groups, evaluate the system boundary, and elicit stakeholder needs to identify the project’s functional and non-functional requirements
  • Major deliverable work products produced in this activity typically include a Vision Document, a use case model or a functional requirements specification document if use cases are not being used, and a supplementary specification document.
  • The Vision Document specifies the stakeholders’ view of the product to be developed. It is written in terms of the stakeholders’ key goals/needs and desired features.
  • And it provides the basis for eliciting and specifying the more detailed product requirements.
  • Section 3 in this document is extremely important. It contains a description of product stakeholders and their needs. Note that there are two types of stakeholders: end user stakeholders and non-user stakeholders.
  • My first layer of stakeholders is what I call direct stakeholders. The next layer is the enterprise layer. And the third layer consists of entities outside the organization.

Use Cases vs Traditional Requirements

  • A use case describes a set of interactions between the product we are gathering requirements for, users of that product, and other systems the product will interact with.
  • Use cases are used to describe the functional requirements for a software product.

2024年6月28日 星期五

Project management


  • Project: temporary endeavor that is undertaken to create a unique product or service
  • Project management: application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed the needs and expectations of stakeholder
  • Project Management Processes:
    • project initiation ⇒ project planning ⇒ project execution (tracking and control) ⇒ project closure
    • umbrella processes: quality assurance, config management, require management
  • Project failure: poor project planning, poor understanding of project requirements and deliverables, failure to use meaningful measures to track project progress
  • Adding more staff to a project require more communication
  • Productivity deteriorates substantially when working on more than 2 tasks
  • Increase project oversight increase cost and will usually increase the schedule as well

Project Planning

  • The key output is a document that we refer to as a project plan.
  • Other outputs might include things like a risk management plan, a communications plan, and plans for supporting processes like quality assurance and configuration management.
  • Minimal things that a project plan should communicate to all project stakeholders
    • Specifying the characteristics of the product to be built
    • The specific project deliverables that will be produced over the course of the project
    • When the product will be delivered
    • When the major tasks and milestones will be completed (A milestone is a reference point that marks a significant project event)
    • How the project work will be done, usually by specifying a project life cycle and an associated set of work tasks
    • Who is going to do the work, work responsibility matrix

Project estimation process

  • Effort is measured in terms of how much time is required to perform project tasks. Typical units of effort are person-hours, person-days, person-weeks, person-months, or person-years.
  • Sometimes size estimates are determined. Estimates of size might be the total number of lines of code that the software product is expected to have, or the total number of function points associated with the software product.
  • Project cost is, of course, a very common thing that is estimated during the project planning process, as is the project schedule, which consists of the calendar time duration and specific calendar dates associated with major project components and overall completion date.
  • Project Management:
    • guesstimate is to make an estimate without using adequate or complete information
    • dictimates meaning in the context of the survey was that dictated values for cost or dictated deadlines for schedules were used
  • Estimate: an estimate is an approximate judgment or calculation about something
  • accuracy of an estimate is “how close” the estimate comes to the actual result
  • precision of an estimate is a “range of values” that you expect the actual result to fall within
  • It’s a best practice to revise estimates periodically during the course of a project

Estimation Techniques

  • Expert judgment: works best when there really are experts that can be called upon, when there is real historical information that can be accessed, when a structured process is used, and when the basis for the estimates is documented and communicated to project stakeholders
  • Structured group technique: multiple estimators, who are typically experts, form the estimating team
    • Delphi Method: The coordinator distributes project background information and estimating forms to each estimator. Each estimator prepares an estimate, anonymously, and documents their rationale. If they have questions, they may consult with the coordinator, but they can’t consult with each other. The coordinator then summarizes the estimates. If the coordinator determines that the estimates are close enough so that a reasonable range estimate can be formed, the process stops. Otherwise, the estimates and rationale are summarized and given to the estimators, and another iteration takes place. Estimators know the other estimates, and the rationale that others used, but they don’t know which estimators are associated with them
  • Rule-of-thumb estimating: may not scale up across different sizes and types of projects because the ratios and productivity factors can be different
  • Algorithmic estimating models: calculations or formulas that are typically based on estimates of software product size to provide estimates of effort, cost, or project schedule. In practice, to use some algorithmic models effectively historical data must be used to calibrate the models to organizational specifics, and some models require estimating or choosing a dozen or more parameters based on project and organizational characteristics. If historical is not available, the resulting estimates can be quite inaccurate.
    • function point analysis model
    • COCOMO(Constructive Cost Model) II
  • activity-based estimation: This technique starts with what’s called a work-breakdown structure. A work-breakdown structure is a list of all the tasks that are needed to complete the project. They can be defined at a high level or at a very detailed level. Once the work tasks are identified, the effort associated with each task…usually measured in person-hours, person-days, person-weeks, or person-months…is estimated, along with the costs…which are primarily labor costs. Non-labor costs also need to be estimated in order to come up with a total project cost estimate. The next step is to analyze the dependencies between tasks. Finally, the tasks, the dependencies, and the effort estimates, along with the staff resources that are expected to be committed to the project are all combined to estimate the project schedule.

Activity Based Estimation

  • Work breakdown structure: The work breakdown structure is a list of all the work that will be performed on the project. Each part of a project may have a different work breakdown structure, and each different group that collaborates on the project may have their own work breakdown structures.

Task Sequencing

  • In task sequencing, we identify the dependencies between project tasks.
  • The primary inputs are a list of the defined tasks, and any assumptions and constraints. Assumptions might be some of the same assumptions that went into the task definition process.
  • The tools and techniques involved in the task sequencing process are primarily the identification of task dependencies and the construction of what is called a project network diagram.

Schedule Estimation

  • Schedule estimation involves taking the task dependencies, effort estimates, project constraints, and resource assignments and estimating the calendar completion dates for key project tasks and the overall project completion date.
  • On the input side, we have a project network diagram, effort estimates for at least the major work tasks, a list of available resources…namely people or job categories that will be assigned to the project.
  • On the output side is a project schedule estimate, which would typically contain an estimate of the project completion date, and usually estimated completion dates for key project tasks and milestones.
  • Project managers may employ special project planning techniques like PERT, which stands for Program Evaluation and Review Technique, and CPM, which stands for Critical Path Method.

Incorporating Uncertainty

  • The three estimates are an optimistic estimate, a most likely estimate, and a pessimistic estimate.

Project Tracking and Control

  • There are a number of ways to measure project status. Many professional project managers will use something called earned value tracking, cost and schedule variances, and cost and schedule indices.
  • Earned value tracking uses three variables: the budgeted cost of work scheduled, the actual cost of work performed, and the budgeted cost of work performed…which is the earned value.
  • The budgeted cost of work scheduled is the monetary value of the work scheduled to be accomplished in a given period of time. In other words, it’s what is scheduled to happen.
  • The actual cost of work performed is the cost actually incurred in performing the work in that time period.
  • The budgeted cost of work performed…or earned value…is the monetary value of the work that is actually accomplished in that time period.
  • Cost variance is the difference between the budgeted cost of work performed (the earned value) and the actual cost of work performed.
  • Schedule variance is the difference between the budgeted cost of work performed (earned value) and the budgeted cost of work scheduled.

2024年6月5日 星期三

Software processes


  • Related set of activities that lead to the production of a software product
  • Life cycle model
    • Framework: Planning, Standards, Visibility, Control
    • Choosing an appropriate life cycle
    • Type: Sequential, Prototyping, Staged Delivery, Iterative Incremental

Sequential Life Cycle Models

  • Pure Waterfall Models
  • Modified Waterfall Models

Staged Delivery Life Cycle Models

  • Start out as waterfall, but later deliver in staged or increments
  • Design-to-Schedule Model: Prioritize high-priority features

Prototyping Life Cycle Models

  • Rapid Prototyping Model
  • Evolutionary Prototyping Model

Spiral Model

  • Iterative/Incremental Life Cycles
  • Unified process life cycle model

Agile Software development method

  • Sequential or plan-driven methods
    • Waterfall, Iterative, Spiral, V-model
  • Agile manifesto’s 4 values
    • individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    • working software over detailed documentation
    • customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    • responding to change over following a plan
  • Sequential vs agile
    • standard SLC for 40 years vs value delivery with 1-4 weeks in each iteration
    • value delivery at project completion vs continuous feedback
    • waste vs lean philosophy minimizes waste
  • Agile scrum
  • Agile kanban

2024年6月4日 星期二

Fundamental of software engineering

Demasco, Joseph ; Schappelle, Sam J (He/Him/His) ; Garonzik, Jeff
  1. Introduction
  2. Process Models
  3. Software Project management
  4. Systems & Requirements Engineering
  5. Human-Computer Interaction
  6. Software Requirements Definition
  7. Analysis and Design Fundamentals
  8. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design I
  9. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design II
  10. Patterns, Implementation, Maintenance & Reuse
  11. Software Quality
  12. Assuring Software Quality
  13. Software Testing
  14. Project Demonstration

Fundamental of software engineering: Introduction


  • What is software? Not hardware, procedure documentation, data
  • Type of application: application, system
  • Craft (hacking) + science (computer science) + engineering (software engineering)
  • Software engineering :
    • real products for real people
    • based on scientific principle
    • require academic background
    • repeatable, well-defined procedures and processes.


  • Definition: the establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machine.
  • Software crisis: late and over-budget, poor quality, code hard to maintain, customers and users not happy, project difficult to manage. ⇒ complexity


  • Numbers of interactions between lines of code
  • Moore’s law: density of transistors on a chip will double every two or so years
    • corollaries: RAM size in a computer, hard drive space in a computer, internet bandwidth.
  • Complexity trend:
    • max line of code: n = 2^t
    • max interaction: n =n*(n-1)/2

Goals and Principles

  • Goals: modifiability, efficiency, reliability, usability
  • Principles:
    • modularity (reduce complexity, divide and conquer)
    • abstraction
    • encapsulation (high cohesion, low coupling)
    • 4c (correct, complete, consistent, confirmable)

Is software engineering a profession

  • Organization: ACM, IEEE-CS

2024年6月2日 星期日






  1. 勞動:生命的必需品
  1. 工作:創造持久的世界


  1. 行動:人際互動的本質





  1. 縱情聲色犬馬:享受美的事物
  2. 獻身於城邦:通過卓越的行動創造出美
  3. 哲學家:通過沈思探索永恆的事物















































  • 「工匠人」製造工具幫助「勞動的生物」從生命歷程解放。
  • 「工匠人」的無意義困境由「行動和言說」解放。
  • 「行動」的不可逆性和不可預測性的解決之道來自自身種種潛能之一。寬恕,承諾和履行。

