王廷瑋|數位醫療|智慧醫療: 197. Rising Temperature WFU

2024年7月11日 星期四

197. Rising Temperature

197. Rising Temperature

表格: Weather

| 列名 | 類型 | 
| id | int |
 | recordDate | date | 
| temperature | int | 

id 是此表中具有唯一值的列。 沒有不同的行具有相同的 recordDate。 此表包含某一天的溫度信息。
編寫一個解決方案來查找所有溫度比前一天(昨天)更高的日期的 Id。



Weather 表: 
| id | recordDate | temperature | 
 | 1 | 2015-01-01 | 10 | 
| 2 | 2015-01-02 | 25 | 
| 3 | 2015-01-03 | 20 |
 | 4 | 2015-01-04 | 30 | 

| id | 
| 2 | 
| 4 | 

解釋: 在 2015-01-02,溫度比前一天高 (10 -> 25)。 在 2015-01-04,溫度比前一天高 (20 -> 30)。


-- Write your MySQL query statement below

SELECT w1.id
FROM Weather w1
JOIN Weather w2 ON w1.recordDate = DATE_ADD(w2.recordDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
WHERE w1.temperature > w2.temperature;



import pandas as pd

def rising_temperature(weather: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
# Convert the recordDate column to datetime to ensure proper date operations
weather['recordDate'] = pd.to_datetime(weather['recordDate'])
# Sort the dataframe by recordDate to ensure the dates are in order
weather = weather.sort_values(by='recordDate')
# Use the shift method to compare the temperature with the previous day's temperature
weather['prev_temp'] = weather['temperature'].shift(1)
weather['prev_date'] = weather['recordDate'].shift(1)
# Filter the rows where the temperature is higher than the previous day's temperature
# and the previous date is exactly one day before the current date
rising_temp = weather[(weather['temperature'] > weather['prev_temp']) &
(weather['recordDate'] == weather['prev_date'] + pd.Timedelta(days=1))]
# Select only the id column for the result
result = rising_temp[['id']]
return result

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-- Write your PostgreSQL query statement below

SELECT w1.id
FROM Weather w1
JOIN Weather w2
ON w1.recordDate = w2.recordDate + INTERVAL '1 day'
WHERE w1.temperature > w2.temperature;

0.00MB, 257ms